Mom got in the act of Hanfu-making
Post Date : 2015-04-30
Together with my mother, an experienced seamstress, while I cut and she sewed, we created two Hanfus, one short Hanfu in blue on December 21 and a formal black robe on December 30, 2009. The 100% blue cotton fabric was really comfortable to wear in humid environments and what struck me was the gradation in tones when I spotted the fabric. As for the black fabric, it was a combination of polyester and cotton and there was seemingly an unwrinkled quality to the fabric which made it attractive for it but very difficult for mom to sew due to its fluid-like fabric structure. I learned some sewing methods while she was exposed to the traditional cuttings of Hanfu. It was a great bonding session!

ADM Convocation in Hanfu
Post Date : 2015-04-30
Jul 29, 2009, Singapore
The first pioneer batch of undergraduate students at the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University graduated on July 23, 2009. I was part of the school's inception and it was truly a joyous occasion. It was as though my children had graduated and I attended their graduation decked in this green overcoat Hanfu. Shown here is Nuraidah Abdul Rauf, a 2D foundational student of mine.

Hanfu with COM 232 students
Post Date : 2015-04-30
Apr 2009, Singapore
I figured younger kids are more prone to changes due to the technological environment they've grown up in so all the students enrolled in the Graphic Communication COM232 class were constantly exposed to my Hanfu-wearing days. These two shots here captured during the last class when they had completed their final assignment of a book jacket exercise in April of 2009.

WKWSCI Convocation in Hanfu
Post Date : 2015-04-30
Jul 28, 2010, Singapore
The class of 2010 of Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WSCI) graduated on July 28, 2010. The event took place Nanyang Technological University's Nanyang Auditorium. I attended the ceremony with both colleagues from our school as well as those from the School of Art, Design and Media (ADM). All in all, about 600 students graduated that day. In addition to my academic robe, I wore my semi-formal black Hanfu underneath. As usual, after the ceremony, I disrobed to reveal my Hanfu for some Kodak moments with my students. As expected, people were making wrong assumptions about the Hanfu and with a short lesson in history, they were "enlightened." Shown in the collage (from top left, clockwise) was Alvin Leu, a former student from the School of Art, Design and Media, some colleagues from WSCI and (bottom left) ADM
More here:http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=194624&id=709322987&l=408ffaadc1

A Singapore-made Hanfu
Post Date : 2015-04-30
In my efforts to promote Hanfu as well as increasing the number of Hanfus for my day-to-day wear, I found a seamstress in Singapore's Chinatown who was kind enough to let me display our creations in her store. The "Han" characters on the collar was embroidered in Kedah, Malaysia after I found an affordable embroidery shop where they charged RM3 per character. In displaying the Hanfu for about a month, I was glad to be told that there was an interested customer to customize the Hanfu for their masseurs--not exactly my intended audience but at least some exposure is better than no exposure at all.

The Jade Accessories
Post Date : 2015-04-30
In today's world of bling-bling, accessories become the keyword and this concept of adornment hasn't changed much over the millennium where as shown in the picture clockwise from top left, the jade accessories from the imperial palace that are worn with long robes. People also accessorize with tassels and these jade pendants (玉珮) fulfill two important functions: to weigh down the edge of a long robe so that the robe doesn't reveal when the wind blows but more importantly, the clinging of the jade adds a symphonic rhythm in reminding the wearer to move with grace and elegance.
Top right: I bought this jade accessory from Hong Kong's Jade Market in Yau Ma Tei.
Bottom left and right: Mr Liu runs a jade shop in Taipei city's Wuchang Road, #13, Lane 22, Section 1. He patiently created by mixing and matching his available stocks to form a new creation for a jade accessory which I paid NTD3000 for. Most of his jades are jadeite from Myanmar, ranging from natural pieces to those impregnated with polymers or dye to enhance the color. It was funny that his wife complained about how low he had charged. He even offered to show me around Taipei the next time I visit. I might take up the offer when I visit again to pick up two Hanfus ordered at Lan Tee (lantee.com).

Qingming Festival
Post Date : 2015-04-30
2009, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia
During the Qingming festival (清明節) or Tomb Sweeping Day of 2009, I wore this modernized Hanfu made by my mother. While the shorter sleeves facilitate movement, from a presentation point of view, it seems to have watered down the seriousness of wearing a full-blown Hanfu. This forms the crux of the whole modernist vs. purist argument--can't have a cake and eat it too!

Post Date : 2015-04-30
I discovered this computerized embroidery machine by Toyota at Pacific Mall in Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia. It is capable of stitching multiple colored threads together with a diameter ranging from 1" to 8". Thrilled, I custom designed an old character of "Han" and within a 2" x 2" square, each character costs only RM3 (USD0.95).

Hanfu from Shanghai
Post Date : 2015-04-30
Dec 2008, Beijing, China
During my visit to Shanghai in December of 2008, after a search online, I placed an order for several Hanfus at Good Hanfu (www.goodhanfu.com). I designed the costume with the idea that a slightly modernized version with shorter sleeves that leave the hands exposed is more practical for daily wearing. With the costume being forced out of existence by the Manchurians in 1644 when the established the last imperial dynasty in China, it is difficult to find a convention that has steadfastly followed the change of time. Now, it's up to Hanfu enthusiasts to create a convention. I wore this blue Hanfu when I visited Beijing with my mother and brother in May 2009 as shown here in the picture taken at the Tiananmen Square.
